
September 24, 2012

Alejandro Jodorowsky's 'Santa Sangre' gets UK Blu and DVD release

On November 5th (yep, bonfire night!) Alejandro Jodorowsky's trip of a movie, Santa Sangre, will be released on Blu-ray and 2 Disc DVD by Mr Bongo Films. This looks to be a hell of a nice  looking release, although I have no word on the special features yet. However, I will be sure to share them with you, once I know more.

Mr Bongo Films is delighted to announce the release of one of the weirdest,
strangest and visually stunning films you’ve ever seen, appealing to cineastes, horror
buffs, drive-in movie fans, heads, freaks and weirdoes… It is Santa Sangre (Holy
Blood), a mind trip of a film.

Described as one of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s finest films Santa Sangre received
huge critical acclaim on its initial release, and now Mr Bongo Films presents the
phenomenal masterpiece in a version that fully highlights this visual feast on DVD
and Blu-ray on 5 November 2012.

Written and directed by Jodorowsky along with Claudio Argento and Roberto
Leoni, Santa Sangre is a terrifying, psychedelic horror. Set in Mexico it tells the
story of a boy who grows up in a circus. We follow in flashback and flash forward the
young Fenix (played by Jodorowsky’s son Adan) who witnesses a horrifically brutal
incident between his mother and father which sends him insane and as an
adolescent (played by Jodorowsky’s older son Axel), as he is leaves an asylum into
the care of his crazed, vengeful mother.

Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean-French filmmaker, playwright, actor, author,
comic writer and spiritual guru. Best known for his avant-garde films, he has been
‘venerated by cult cinema enthusiasts’ for his work which is filled with violently surreal
images and a hybrid blend of mysticism and religious provocation.

Santa Sangre is the ultimate midnight movie, the cult film to end all cult films.

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