
August 12, 2012

Q&A with Brandon Fowler - Director of 'Hybrid Vigor'

Hybrid Vigor is a new horror film that is lensing in Latvia (which is nestled between Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Russia and the Baltic Sea) and just recently secured its full funding though the Kickstarter site, where it was a Staff Pick, and also won Indiewire's Project of the Week. I recently had a chance to put forward a few questions to the film's director, Brandon Fowler.

Hi Brandon. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

-       Firstly, Latvia? I read on Hybrid Vigor’s Kickstarter page about you upping and moving to Latvia, and now you are directing a film out there. How is that working out? Any problems with the language barrier? Have you settled in well there?

BF - It's working out great. It feels like a second home now. There are of course language and cultural differences that can make things complicated sometimes, but I find that to be more stimulating than frustrating.

-        What can you tell us about Hybrid Vigor, in terms of plot, that hasn’t already been revealed?

BF - Not much right now. There will be a trailer in a couple months and it will reveal a lot more.

-       You recently achieved your goal, and then some some, with regards to the funding of Hybrid Vigor. This must have been a welcome relief? Did you ever have any doubts as to whether you would reach the goal?

BF - It is a huge relief and a dream come true. I was on edge the entire time until the last second of our campaign ticked off. I was confident we would find a way to make it happen, but only if we worked extremely hard. It was very difficult to step away from the computer and take a breather. I could barely even make myself sleep.

-       As a director what are your influences? Whether they be other movies, novels or anything else?

BF - When I was like 12 years-old all I watched were horror movies. Anything I could get my hands on. I wouldn't really call any of that a direct influence though. My favorite horror films right now are films like Angst (Austrian), Let the Right One In (Swedish) and Martyrs (French). As a director I really like Chan-wook Park, I love Terrence Malick's work and I'm a huge fan of Andrei Tarkovsky.

-       Will Hybrid Vigor be an English language film?

BF - English, Latvian and Russian.

-       Are you aiming for a visceral film, in terms of violence, or a film that delivers on the scare-factor? Or both?

BF - There won't be any “jump scares” in Hybrid Vigor. This is a film that is going to stay in people's minds even after it's long over.

-       What would you like to say to fans of the genre about Hybrid Vigor, and what you plan to deliver with the movie?

BF - If you are as tired as I am of cliched horror films that insult your intelligence you will like Hybrid Vigor.

-       Any final thoughts you would like to share?

BF - Follow us on Twitter and keep an eye out for our trailer. We have a lot happening the next few months...

Thanks again for taking time out to answer these questions, Brandon! Good luck with the rest of the filming of Hybrid Vigor.

You can check out the Hybrid Vigor Facebook page here, as well as follow it on Twitter @HybridVigorFilm.

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