
July 10, 2012

Filthy Giveaway - The Perfect House - Closed

Yes my good friends, it's giveaway time once again at The Lair. This time it is for a copy of the movie The Perfect House, which hits DVD and VOD on July 17th. The anthology, which is directed by Kris Hulbert, was the first film to premiere on Facebook, and now you can be in with a chance of winning one of 3 DVD's. Oh, and there's an added bonus for one of the winners!

"Hulbert brilliantly creates a captivatingly dramatic unity that organically holds the multiple plot lines together and flawlessly carry the momentum throughout the entire film.  Unlike any other films, "The Perfect House" successfully runs through all the horror-movie genre's signature styles of three specific time period of horror: the 60-70s black & white off-camera violence suspense ("The Storm"), the classic 80's slasher with dark humor mixed in and crazed unstoppable killer on the loose ("Chi-ken"), and modern day graphically disturbing massacre with icy cold feel and the brutal unrelenting conclusion ("Dinner Guest")".

The bonus I mention is that one of the DVD's will be a Comic-Con Special edition, which will be signed by director Kris Hulbert and graphic designer Chris Barber (you can check out the artwork above). This version will be available at Comic-Con between July 16th and July 23rd.

So, to be in with a chance of winning one of these DVD's all you need to do is send an email to, with The Perfect House Giveaway in the title. Include your name and mailing address, and on July 16th I will draw 3 winners and get these puppies shipped out!

Winners of The Perfect House DVD are as follows :- Mary Kirkland (Special Comic-Con Edition), James DePaolo and Jesse Walker. Congrats to all!!

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