
July 25, 2012

Beware the 'Dragon Wasps' - Coming to DVD

Coming to DVD in the UK on September 24th from Chelsea Films, is the wonderfully named Dragon Wasps. Tell me this doesn't sound like something straight out of the SyFy handbook?! The DVD even comes complete with a quote from my good man Dean Boor from Shock Horror magazine.

When a clue arises as to the whereabouts of her scientist father, three months after he inexplicably disappeared on an expedition deep in the heart of the Belize rainforest, entomologist Gina Humphries and her impassioned assistant Rhonda set out on a makeshift rescue mission. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to them the land they’re desperate to cross is Government protected and without the correct documentation they subsequently find themselves stopped dead in their tracks and whisked away to the hands of officer John Hammond. Due to the ongoing feud between the US Army and the rainforest’s guerrilla military, lead by the notorious Jaguar, Hammond agrees to escort Gina and Rhonda to her desired destination as one last escapade with his team before his retirement. When their convoy is ambushed by Jaguar and his men, things quickly turn sour and they find themselves amidst a bloody shootout. Yet it soon becomes apparent that it’s not their known enemies that present the biggest threat in the jungle…

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