
July 31, 2012

'Basket Case' trilogy Blu-ray/DVD update

Further to my post here, there have been a few new extras announced for this wonderful looking release of the Basket Case Trilogy from Second Sight Films. The release hits the street in the UK on Steelbook Blu-ray (Region free) and DVD.

One of the essential repeat rentals for any self-respecting horror fan in the early 1980's, Frank Henenlotter's cult classic Basket Case and the glorious psychotic sequels it spawned are now collected together in one of the most twisted and enjoyable horror trilogies ever made.

What's in the basket? A question Duane Bradley is asked a lot when he arrives in New York and checks into the sleazy Hotel Broslin, a place filled with drunks, odd-bods and prostitutes. We soon discover the answer; inside is his grotesquely deformed brother Belial. Separated at birth in a brutal operation the Saimese twins have come looking for revenge on the doctors that left Belial for dead and now the basket dweller is ready to wreak blood-soaked carnage. Where the original classic ends the sequels pick up and things start to get really deranged when the brothers meet their long lost aunt 'Granny Ruth' and her houseful of freaks.


What's WHAT'S IN THE BASKET? - A look at the making of the trilogy with director Frank Henenlotter; actors Kevin VanHentenryck, Beverly Bonner, Annie Ross; producers Edgar Ievans and James Glickenbaus; make-up effects artists John Caglione Jr, Kevin 

Haney, Gabe Bartalos and writer Uncle Bob Martin 

INTERVIEW WITH GRAHAM HUMPHREYS - The legendary film poster artist discusses his career up to the creation of the new 'Basket Case Trilogy' artwork 

BASKET CASE: Video Introduction by Frank Henenlotter; Audio Commentary by director Frank Henenlotter, producer Edgar Ievins and actress Beverly Bonner; Outtakes & Behind The Scenes; 2001 Video Short - The Hotel Broslin; Trailers & Radio Spots; Photo Gallery - behind the scenes, promotional material, stills.

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