
June 21, 2012

Filthy Review - Franklin & Bash Season 1

Franklin & Bash – Season 1 DVD (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

When it comes to shows on television there aren’t all that many that I watch on a regular basis. The main reason being is that the good stuff tends to be on in the evenings and I just don’t get the chance, due to work. Hey, we have to pay the bills right? So, chances are I might catch an episode here or there, but alas I rarely get to follow a season all the way through on TV. Fortunately there is always the chance to catch-up on shows with the blessed release on the entire season of a show on Blu-ray or DVD, which also has the added bonus of being commercial-free.

This brings me to Franklin & Bash Season 1, a show that of course I did miss when it first aired but after watching it wished I hadn’t. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect; truth be told a couple of maverick lawyers didn’t exactly set the flash bulbs alight in my mind. I will tell you this though; I thought it was a very funny show. Some shows will try to force the laughter out with weak jokes and obvious cheesy set-ups. Not here though, I was laughing like a fool.

The premise of the show is about two lawyers, Jared Franklin and Peter Bash, who have their own unique way of going about their business. They are inappropriate; ask questions that you wouldn’t expect to hear from a lawyer and just flat-out make watching a show about lawyers fun and interesting.

They get spotted by Stanton Infeld (Malcolm McDowell), who runs his own very successful law firm and wants to bring them aboard. Even though their methods are a million miles away from the way his company does business, he isn’t oblivious to the fact that they get results, and they do remind him of the way he used to be.

Also along for the ride are Franklin and Bash’s eccentric team, which include a felon and an agoraphobic, Infeld’s slightly obnoxious nephew (Homicide’s Reed Diamond) and an assortment of other regular cast members.

A show like this is only as good as its leads though, and thankfully Breckiln Meyer, as Franklin, and Mark-Paul Gosselar, as Bash, are just a joy to watch. Straight from the get-go in episode one there is a quite apparent chemistry between the two, they are playing lifelong friends after all, and this shines through onto the screen. Funny and charming, this is one of the better pairings I have seen in recent years.

They are both more than ably supported by Malcolm McDowell, who let’s face it shouldn’t really need an introduction. He character, Stanton Infeld, adds the class to the show and quite a bit of the humor too, and is nothing less than superb.

A show like this isn’t going to get by on the humor and buddy-factor alone though. Sure, that’ll wash for a while, but there needs to be a little substance behind it. Again, the show comes up trumps with some well plotted cases for the team to represent. This adds more depth to the show and kept me coming back for more. Without the commercials, that bog down shows on TV, each episode runs to about just over 40 minutes and they just fly by. As soon as one ended I was ready to jump into the next one.

Sometimes shows fly under the radar, for whatever reason, and get missed. Or, and this has become increasingly common, get cancelled after one season. Franklin & Bash may have flown under my radar, but I am glad to say that it was renewed for a second season, and after watching this I am more than ready for it. Great cast, a good script and plenty of laughs make this a winner for me.

Included on the DVD release are some featurettes, a blooper reel and three Franklin & Bash commercials (for their firm).

Franklin & Bash Season 1 is available on DVD from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

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