
June 9, 2012

'Father's Day' now coming on 4 discs!

As some of you may know, there was a lot of fucking about with the upcoming Blu-ray/DVD release of Astron 6's Father's now. Well, hopefully that is all in the past now as it will see the light of day on a 4 disc release (Blu-ray/2xDVD/CD) sometime in July or August. Hell yes, is all I can say to that. It's a damned fine film and deserves this great looking release! Full details below.
Father's Day
Blu-ray & DVD Combo
It is now 4 Discs Includes CD Soundtrack
Label: Troma Entertainment 
STREET DATE: TBA (July or August)
Run Time: 99 Minutes English Color Widescreen 1.78:1 Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
Production Year: 2012
Genre: Horror
Directed by: Astron-6
Starring: Adam Brooks, Matthew Kennedy, Conor Sweeney

The urban legend known as 'The Father's Day Killer' began some years after the demise of serial rapist/murderer Chris Fuchman.  Since the 1970s, the use of contraceptives has tripled in North America alone and a generation of fathers fell asleep with the covers pulled tight, buttocks clenched.  The story has become a fire-side cautionary ritual on camping trips, often used by fathers to warn their sons of the dangers of unplanned pregnancy.  That deep seeded fear of penetration, violation and eventually death waned as the murder and rape of fathers continued to decline all over the world. Unfortunately those numbers didn't remain low, and it would seem that the legend is not yet complete…
NEW Bonus Features Are Now As Follows:
deleted scenes
2 x special fx featurettes
slide show
original trailer
original teaser trailer
astron-6 shorts
on set behind the scenes
lloyd kaufman intro
tromatic intro
sound track EP CD

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