
June 4, 2012

'Crows Zero II' UK DVD release details

More crazy student fight action is heading to the UK on July 2nd, with the release to DVD of Takashi Miike's Crows Zero 2. Picking up where the first film left off the DVD will be released by MVM and is rated 15. Did I mention that there is a 30 minute fight scene? Expect a review soon.

“Crows Zero” introduced us to Genji Takiya, a student recently transferred to the notorious Suzuran Senior High School for Boys, Japan’s lowest achieving and most violent school, nicknamed “The School of Crows” after its students’ tendency to band together in conflicting factions and battle each other for domination.
Picking up immediately where the first film ended, “Crows Zero II” sees Genji as the head of the now-unified student factions following his successful but very bloody takeover of Suzuran. But his victory has left him unsatisfied and the uneasy peace amongst the students is, in reality, nothing more than a powder keg waiting to explode. Making the situation even more volatile, a truce that has been maintained between Suzaran High and its bitter rivals at Hosen Academy is about to come to a violent end.

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