
May 19, 2012

'Spirit Stalkers' is ready to scare you

Big Biting Pig Productions has announced the release date of their latest movie, Spirit Stalkers, to be on June 16th. The film, which is described by director Steve Hudgins as "a mix between the modern popularity of paranormal investigative shows and the classic ghost stories that so many of us grew up with", will premiere at Byrnes Auditorium in Madisonville, KY. Doors open at 5:30pm Central Time. The Movie starts at 7:00pm Central Time. Tickets are $10 each and the price of admission includes a free Spirit Stalkers DVD.  The World Wide DVD release will be announced shortly after the Premiere.

Recently divorced, Gloria Talman attempts to start a new life by moving into a historic house with her daughter Kellie, in hopes of turning it into a bed & breakfast. Shortly after moving in she begins to experience strange things that cause her to suspect paranormal activity or worse, that it may all be in her mind. 

Meanwhile, The Spirit Stalkers reality television show, once a big hit, is in steady decline, mainly due to the fact that the Spirit Stalkers are so good at discovering reasonable explanations for the majority of haunted claims. The leader of the group, Reuben, is not flexible in regards to the Spirit Stalkers techniques and would rather go down with the ship than compromise the integrity of the group by sinking to the level of other paranormal investigative shows and their tendency to overreact to possible paranormal activity. Reuben believes what the show desperately needs is a very active location to set the ratings straight. This eventually leads them to Gloria who is at wits end with her house and the increasingly unexplainable occurrences. The Spirit Stalkers soon learn that they should be careful what they wish for.

For more information you can check out Big Biting Pig's website.

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