
May 9, 2012

David Arquette thriller Black Limousine to hit DVD

The new thriller starring David Arquette and Bijou Phillips, entitled Black Limousine, is set to hit DVD from Anchor Bay on July 10th. I've included the full synopsis and some stills for you to check out.

Starring: David Arquette, Bijou Phillips, Vivica A. Fox, Nicholas Bishop, Lin Shaye
Directed By: Carl Colpaert

Jack MacKenzie (Arquette), once a hot Hollywood composer, has fallen on hard times. Having resorted to taking a draining job as a limo driver just to make ends meet, he is a broken man, trying to put his life back together by picking up the pieces of a shattered family and career. Jack's sprit and sanity have been crushed by the loss of his first daughter and he has turned to alcohol to deal with the grief. 

Jack catches a break when he is assigned to drive A-List Actor Thomas Bower (Bishop) back-and-forth to the set of his latest film, during which time the two build a friendship of sorts. Bower remembers the score Jack had previously written for a science fiction epic, and appears interested and willing to help him get re-established. Jack also strikes up a sexually charged relationship with Erica Long (Phillips), a model and singer, who is struggling with demons of her own. 

Battling his repressed memories, depression and addiction, Jack starts to lose control of the one thing he values most - his mind. He must now pull himself together before something goes horribly wrong. However, in the city of isn't always at it seems.

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