
April 27, 2012

After Dark Action's El Gringo - Poster, Trailer and more!

El Gringo is one of the movies playing the After Dark Action fest, which will hit theaters on May 11th, and truth be known this is the one I am probably most excited about. The reason? Scott Adkins. If you have seen any of his previous flicks, such as Undisputed 2 and Undisputed 3, you will know that he is one hell of an action star. In El Gringo he stars with Christian Slater, and below you can check out the trailer, of which there is plenty of claret, and some stills from the flick. Also of note, especially for my fellow metalheads, and that is that Manowar have recorded a new tune for the film! Sneaky peak below as well.

In EL GRINGO, The Man (Adkins) crosses into Mexico with a satchel of $2,000,000, cash, a bloody past, and a plan to live out his remaining days on a beach.  Instead, he gets stuck waiting for a bus in El Fronteras, a sleepy desert town that’s so uninviting that – forget about the ocean – he can hardly find a glass of water.  Then, word of his money spreads to the El Fronteras underworld.  Under sudden attack from corrupt cops, gangsters, and desperados, the Man must push back his retirement plans, lock and load, and save sleepy El Fronteras through a dizzying display of spectacular gunfights. EL GRINGO is directed by Eduardo Rodriguez (Stash House) and written by Jonathan W. Stokes.


Dark Castle Home Entertainment and After Dark Films will debut the new action movie franchise AFTER DARK ACTION, it was announced today by Courtney Solomon, After Dark Films President and CEO. The first generation of AFTER DARK ACTION movies includes five original, adrenaline-pumping films starring international stars such as Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Peter Weller, Jim Caviezel, Cung Le and Christian Slater.  AFTER DARK ACTION will showcase the movies theatrically as a commercial film festival in markets nationwide and on VOD on May 11. “After many years with the HORRORFEST ‘8 FILMS TO DIE FOR’ and AFTER DARK ORIGINALS brands, we are excited to expand into the action film arena,” says Solomon.  “Our mission is to create innovative, first-rate entertainment for action lovers everywhere.”

MANOWAR´s influence in the Rock Music industry is undeniable. During their impressive career they have left their mark in the Heavy Metal genre, thanks to a combination of unique craftsmanship and characteristic songwriting. With unrivaled conviction, persistence and the courage to unflinchingly pursue their own way, the band has weathered even the most unconquerable challenges. In an age of casting show “talents” and flimsy one-hit-wonders, this band gives their fans what they love them for: the massive, powerful soundtrack of their lives, songs that celebrate the audacity of the individual, and the spirit of the community.

The band has earned numerous gold and platinum awards and completed more than 35 tours headlining venues that averaged between 10,000 and 50,000 sold-out seats.

MANOWAR’s unparalleled loyal following in Germany, Scandinavia, Italy and Spain, the U.S. and Canada, as well as the emerging markets in Eastern Europe, Asia and South America, is reflected in their live events: fans from over 40 nations traveled to celebrate the Magic Circle Festival in Germany for example.

As a tribute to their devoted international following, MANOWAR’s 2009 release Thunder In The Sky achieved another first in Heavy Metal history by recording the power ballad „Father“ in 18 different languages.

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