
March 19, 2012

Mutant Girls Squad Blu-ray And DVD Release Details

Ready for more mental Oriental action? Because I always am! Sushi Typhoon and Well Go USA, who recently brought us Helldriver and Yakuza Weapon, will be unleashing Mutant Girls Squad on Blu-ray/DVD combo pack and DVD on May 22nd. Check out below for all the details and a plethora (not often I get to use that word) of stills from the movie.

PLANO, TEXAS.  (March 19, 2012) – Three leaders in the Japanese splatter movement -- Noboru Iguchi (The Machine Girl), Yoshihiro Nishimura (Tokyo Gore Police) and Tak Sakaguchi (Yoroi: Samurai Zombie) -- join forces to bring three times the heart-pounding action, three times the jaw-dropping comedy and three times the head-exploding splatter of your average action/horror/comedy with Mutant Girls Squad, debuting on Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack and DVD May 22nd from Well Go USA Entertainment.

A soon-to-be cult film from the prolific Japanese cult film label Sushi Typhoon, Mutant Girls Squad is touted as a warped version of X-MEN, adapted into the violent, body-horror-filled universe of the three directors.  Mutant Girls Squad focuses on Rin, a beautiful 16-year-old who experiences one hell of a coming-of-age when her birthday present from nature comes in the form of a shocking revelation. The film stars Yumi Sugimoto, Yuko Takayama, Suzuka Morita and Naoto Takenaka. 

Bonus materials include the “Opening Day” and “The Making of Mutant Girls Squad” featurettes, interviews with the filmmakers and the short film Yoshi Zero, a prequel by Noboru Iguchi focusing on the character portrayed by Suzuka Morita. 

Rin (Yumi Sugimoto) has always felt like an outcast among her classmates and peers, and as she's about to turn sixteen, she finds out why -- while her mother (Maiko Ito) is human, her dad (Kanji Tsuda) is a Hiruko, a race of mutant creatures whose bodies transform themselves in strange ways and can sprout weapons at will. Defense Minister Koshimizu (Naoto Takenaka) has launched a crusade to eliminate the Hirukos in the name of public safety, but Rin's father tells her of an underground Hiruko alliance who are fighting for their right to survive, and after the death of her parents, Rin makes her way to a training camp for young Hirukos. Rin, who now has long blades where her fingers used to be, teams up with fellow teenage warriors Rei (Yuko Takayama), Yoshie (Suzuka Morita), Sachie (Cay Izumi) and Chiako (Naoi Nagano), all of whom have unique bodily weapons of their own, as they set out to take down Koshimizu.

Bonus Features
§  “Opening Day” Featurette
§  Interviews with Filmmakers
§  “The Making of Mutant Girls Squad” Featurette
§  Yoshie Zero Short Film

Mutant Girls Squad has a runtime of approximately 91 minutes and is not rated.

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