Some news just in here that will interest those in the UK, or those with a region-free player. The Stephen King adapatation Sometimes They Come Back, directed by Tom McLoughlin, is set for a R2 DVD release on April 9th from Second Sight. The film stars Tim Matheson, Brooke Adams and 80's stalwart Robert Russler and was originally released back in 1991. I actually reviewed the MGM R1 release from 2007 a few years back and thought it was still a fun horror flick.
Teacher Jim Norman (Matheson) reluctantly returns to his hometown to a job
at the local school almost 30 years after he left. Bad memories linger in the
town where his brother Wayne was killed by a local rebel gang and he
escaped unharmed. Those responsible died in fiery car wreck, but sometimes
the dead aren’t ready to die and come back to take care of unfinished
I've always loved this movie! It's actually really good, and sadly overlooked.