
February 7, 2012

Sometimes They Come the UK

Some news just in here that will interest those in the UK, or those with a region-free player. The Stephen King adapatation Sometimes They Come Back, directed by Tom McLoughlin, is set for a R2 DVD release on April 9th from Second Sight. The film stars Tim Matheson, Brooke Adams and 80's stalwart Robert Russler and was originally released back in 1991. I actually reviewed the MGM R1 release from 2007 a few years back and thought it was still a fun horror flick.

Teacher Jim Norman (Matheson) reluctantly returns to his hometown to a job 
at the local school almost 30 years after he left. Bad memories linger in the 
town where his brother Wayne was killed by a local rebel gang and he 
escaped unharmed. Those responsible died in fiery car wreck, but sometimes 
the dead aren’t ready to die and come back to take care of unfinished 

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved this movie! It's actually really good, and sadly overlooked.
