
January 9, 2012

On The Ice - New Trailer, Poster and Stills

Here's something I can honestly say that I don't see everyday; a movie shot entirely in Alaska. Well, On The Ice is one such movie and if the trailer is anything to go by it looks like it could be one to watch out for. It's set for a release in NY, LA, Fairbanks and Anchorage on February 10th and below I have some Stills and the Trailer for you to peruse.

On The Ice is written and directed by Andrew Okpeaha Maclean and stars Josiah Patkotak, Frank Qutuq Irelan, Teddy Kyle Smith, Adamina Kerr, John Miller, Rosabelle Kunnanna Rexford and Sierra Jade Sampson

Shot entirely on location in Barrow, Alaska, On The Ice is the engrossing and suspenseful feature film debut by filmmaker Andrew Okpeaha MacLean about two teenage boys who have grown up like brothers go about their lives in the comfortable claustrophobia of an isolated Alaskan town.  Early one morning, on a seal hunt with another teenager, an argument between the three boys quickly escalates into a tragic accident. Bonded by their dark secret, the two best friends are forced to create one fabrication after another in order to survive.  The shocked boys stumble through guilt-fueled days, avoiding the suspicions of their community as they weave a web of deceit.  With their future in the balance, the two boys are forced to explore the limits of friendship and honor.

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