
November 18, 2011

Wanna fight? Knuckle to hit the US

Set to hit US theaters on December 9th is Knuckle, which looks to be a real bruiser of a documentary. Directed by Ian Palmer it takes a look into the world of the Irish traveler and bare knuckle fighting. Check out the trailer below.

An epic 12-year journey into in the world of an Irish Traveller community, KNUCKLE takes us inside their brutal, secretive and exhilarating bare-knuckle fighting lives. Chronicling a history of violent feuding between rival families, the story focuses on two brothers as they fight for their reputations and the honour of their family name.


  1. I though I'd written on here that it's out on DVD for next to nuthin' in the UK. With some subtitling for tricky parts of dialouge.

    Brilliant fuckin' movie, excellent documentary.


  2. I might have to order a copy then! Thanks for the heads-up
