It's always nice to change it up a little, so here's a short break from news and reviews. The rather charming award you see above was kindly bestowed upon me from the rather charming rapscalion Fred the Wolf. He writes the quite excellent Full Moon Reviews, and has done for a few years now. Always a good read, and always worth your time.
Now, there's some rules for excepting this award. Remember kids, you gotta have rules...
Here are the blog award rules: 1 ) Gratefully accept this award. 2 ) Link to the person you received it from. 3 ) Post 3 interesting facts about yourself. 4 ) Pass this award around to at least 5 blogs you dig. 5 ) Notify them.
1. The first movie I saw on the big screen was Star Wars: A New Hope, way back in 1977.
2. I've been to two concerts to see Hatebreed and missed them both times.
3. I loathe Fish, Weetabix (google it) and Beetroot. Aside from that I will eat pretty much anything. Maybe not Olives, because they are boring.
1. The first movie I saw on the big screen was Star Wars: A New Hope, way back in 1977.
2. I've been to two concerts to see Hatebreed and missed them both times.
3. I loathe Fish, Weetabix (google it) and Beetroot. Aside from that I will eat pretty much anything. Maybe not Olives, because they are boring.
1. Dr TeRRoR's BLoG oF HoRRoRs - Absolutely cracking blog with some of the most original and refreshing articles about horror I have read. James does not do things by half. Check this out!
2. The Conduit Speaks - The Conduit covers the films that you need to see, yet quite possibly haven't yet heard of. Insightful and very well written.
3. Horror 101 with Dr AC - Another Doctor, and another great blog. Aaron's not afraid to mix it up with his viewing and isn't afraid to share it with you either. Your bound to find at least one movie you want to check out after reading this.
4. Silver Ferox Designs - You like movie posters? You do? Then you'll love this blog. Terrific artwork for movies you know and love, and some you might not have heard of.
5. The Bloody Iris - Giallo and slasher flicks are shown big love here on Jenny's blog, and always make for a great read.
Cyber High-Five from here, brotherman. Comin' back atcha!