Not so longed ago I reviewed The Collective Vol 1 (review here) from JABB Pictures. The outline was simple: 10 Filmmakers, 10 Short films (10 mins each) and 1 Synopsis. The Meat Eater was the synopsis for Volume 1, and now JABB are back with Volume 2 with a cardboard box being the central idea. What the individual filmmakers come up with is sure to be fascinating if the first release is anything to go by.
There are some familiar faces returning from Volume 1 as well as a couple of new creative teams as you will see below. The release date for The Collective II is November 11th at the Cincinatti Horrorhound Weekend. Just take my word for it and buy yourself a copy.
The Collective is by far, the most unique independent
short film collection on the market today. The Collective Vol.1 features 10 - 10 minute short films, all by a different independent filmmaker yet all based on the same synopsis.
With each filmmaker putting their own unique twist on the idea.
This time around it’s 10 Filmmakers - 10 Short Films - 1 Object.
That’s right, all 10 films center around the same single object.
Each filmmaker received a small, plain cardboard box to base their 10 minute short film around. They were free to decorate it in any way that fit their storyline. An unassuming premise that in the end shows, it doesn’t take a huge budget to make a great film. It only requires huge imagination.
The Collective Vol. 2 contains 10 completely unique films
that range from intimate to insane. It is the perfect format for showcasing the best up and coming filmmakers in the horror genre while also providing an easy way for fans of independent films to get them all in one place for only $10. That’s only $1 per film!
You will not find a better deal in the world of independent cinema.
This collection is the embodiment of JABB pictures war cry
“Support Independent Horror!”
Liberty or Death Productions
(Wannabe 2009, Zracne Vile 2011, To Haunt You 2011)
(Wannabe 2009, Zracne Vile 2011, To Haunt You 2011)
I think this film is pretty terrible. I loved all of them, they all are awesome. I cant stop myself from watching it more and more.It made my day.