
August 5, 2011

Coming Soon - Evidence

Set to hit theaters early next year is Evidence from Director Howie Askins and Writer/Producer Ryan McCoy. A new addition to the Cinema Verite style of film I am surprised I hadn't seen this trailer until yesterday. The trailer itself suitably impressed me, finishing as it does at quite a frenetic pace. If the movie lives up to the promise shown here then we could be on to a winner.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the found footage style of movie is one that I am a real fan of. I have been since I first saw Cannibal Holocaust, which is the Granddaddy of the genre, so I am hoping that Evidence delivers, the trailer is certainly creepy enough.

Ryan is making a documentary on his friend, Brett, about camping for the first time. However, once they begin camping, they discover that there is a mysterious figure that is hunting them.

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