
August 2, 2011

Blackened Music To Destroy Your Soul

Looking for music to truly blow away the cobwebs? If you are look no further than the UK's Mordgrimm. This is the true underground of a very Black nature. Believe me, this is not the sort of stuff you will hear on the radio or see on TV. 

Mordgrimm was first nascent in 1997, the vile offspring of Fra. Nihil, founder and A&R Manager of Cacophonous Records. Independently conceived as a platform to release music from the more underground Black Metal scene, nonetheless the label's first release, "In Times Before The Light" by Norway's Covenant, achieved large sales for a small label and garnered much publicity. The label has since become synonymous with the cult classics by Arkhon Infaustus and Osculum Infame, the first two album releases by Anaal Nathrakh and the debut by Dragged into Sunlight.

Currently assaulting my eardrums is Dragged Into Sunlight's Hatred For Mankind and Daudehaud's Nar Naturen Kaller, and what majestic slabs of evil they are too.

For more info check out the links below:


Or contact them by email @

U.S. based music fans can grab some of the Vinyl release at Fallen Empire

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