
July 21, 2011

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - Official Website Live

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, coming August 26th, has a shiny new website and a very nice one at that. Lots of interaction to be had if you are brave enough.

Also, should you be in the vicinity of San Diego on July 21st you might want to check this out

FILMDISTRICT will be taking the stage at Comic-Con 2011 TOMORROW, Thursday, July 21 at 2:00 pm in Hall H with a panel that will feature DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK‘s Guillermo del Toroand Troy Nixey with DRIVE ‘s breakout director Nicolas Winding Refn. At 9PM fans will have the chance to meet and get signed posters from these filmmakers plus DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK sGuy Pearce and DRIVE ’s Carey Mulligan and Ron Perlman at Bar 207 at the HARD ROCK HOTEL (207 5TH Avenue)!

Blackwood Manor has new tenants. While architect Alex Hurst (Guy Pearce) and his new girlfriend Kim (Katie Holmes) restore their Gothic mansion's period interiors, Alex’s young daughter Sally (Bailee Madison)—neglected by her real mother and brushed aside by the careerist father—can investigate the macabre history and dark corners of the estate. Spurring Sally's investigation are the voices—rasping whispers who call out to her from the basement, who promise her understanding and friendship, who are so very hungry and would like to be set free. When Sally gives in to her curiosity, she opens a gateway into a hellish underworld from which an army of beady-eyed, sharp-clawed monsters emerge, small in size but endless in number: the homunculi. Confronted with the horror that now threatens to taker her life and destroy her family, Sally desperately tries to warn the whole house, but there's just one problem: no one believes her. Will she make them understand in time, or will they become another chapter in the centuries-long horror story of Blackwood Manor?
Based on the 1973 telefilm that Guillermo del Toro believes to be the scariest TV production ever made, DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK was co-written and co-produced by del Toro and directed by Troy Nixey. Akin to PAN’S LABYRINTH, DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK focuses on a young girl’s struggle against menacing and terrifying forces.

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