
July 31, 2011

Coming Soon - Familiar

Just recently I have been bemoaning the current state of movie posters. Whereas there used to be an art to it filmmakers, production companies, distributors or whoever seem to have gotten lazy of late. Of course, this is a sweeping generalization on my behalf as there are still some real gems out there, and there no doubt always will be. One such beauty is this poster for Fatal Pictures upcoming movie Familiar. I previously posted about it here and I have to say that I am pretty excited about it. Their previous short was Worm, which was quite excellent, and Familiar features Johnathan Dodd, who is the twin brother of Worm's central character Geoffrey.

Familiar is Directed by Richard Powell, Produced by Zach Green, Cinematographer and Co-Producer Michael Jari Davidson and Stars Robert Nolan

Through a series of tragic events a middle aged man grows to suspect the negative impulses plaguing his mind may not be his own.

Familiar on Facebook

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