
June 7, 2011

New Release - The Wrong House

Hitting the stores today (June 7th), thorugh Elite Entertainment, is the cracking Indie flick The Wrong House. This was one of my personal favorites of last year (hence the cover quote), so it is great to finally see it get a proper release. You can check out my here

An isolated house in the woods looks like an easy mark to a group of friends camping in the Maine wilderness. The thieves haul away several ounces of pot and hallucinogenic mushrooms in the heist. But when the homeowners track them down, the friends learn too late that there are some people you just shouldn't mess with... and that they picked The Wrong House.

Buy at Amazon and Tower amongst others.


  1. Sounds great! I was curious if Elite was still in the DVD game as they've been quiet the last few years.

  2. Yeah, they have put out some terrific stuff. I have their I Spit on Your Grave and Re-Animator releases. Both are excellent.

    Am looking forward to this release too. I have the original release Shawn put out, but it'll be nice to see this version.

  3. I'll check this out. I do enjoy the cover. Something about it makes me think Germany circa 1990. Then again so does Midnight Movie which is on my list of must see movies.
