June 24, 2011

Dimension Extreme Lives!?

Anyone out there remember the Dimension Extreme imprint of a few years back? They release the gems that are Inside (A L'interieur), Black Sheep and Eden Lake, amongst others, as well as the turds Pulse 2 and 3 and The Wizard of Gore redux. You do? Well they are back and it seems they have contracted a severe case of sequelitus.

Heading our way on August 30th is Children of the Corn: Genesis, Zombie Diaries 2: World of the Dead streets on October 11th and Hellraiser: Revelations will get here on October 18th. It's not exactly mind-blowing news but it is good to see that they are still with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool I want to see the Hellraiser and Children of the Corn one I am a sucker for them.