
May 29, 2011

Summertime Chills and Thrills

Thought I would have a ramble through what will be hitting the big screen over the summer. Will there be anything worth checking out? Or will we get the usual staple of remakes and sequels? Anyway, this takes us up to the end of August. September will see releases of Shark Night 3D, Straw Dogs (remake) and Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive. After that we get in Halloween season with the likes of The Thing prequel and Paranormal Activity 3 (!?!). In the meantime here are some of the movies that may be of interest to genre fans. Personally I think the standout flick looks like Bellflower, although Don't Be Afraid of the Dark is right up there.

Hitting screens on June 10th, J.J. Abrams and Spielberg get ready to steamroll all before them.

Ohio, 1979: when kids shooting a super 8 movie witness a train crash, their shock soon turns to feelings of suspicion and horror after disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town 

Also released on June 10th, having already been available on VOD, comes the limited release of this quirky looking flick from director Andre Ovredal. It won't play near me, although I wish it would!

Director Jon Favreau will be unleashing this fun looking flick on July 29th. Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford look to be a good pairing here, and even if they aren't I'm sure the alien action will draw your attention away from it.

Am liking the look of this movie, due for an August 5th release. Solid looking effects and a decent cast could prove a winner here.

An August 5th release in New York for this very interesting looking movie. Brought to us by the studio that release the excellent Rare Exports this looks like one to keep an eye on.

Best friends Woodrow and Aiden spend all of their free time building MAD MAX-inspired flamethrowers and muscle cars in preparation for a global apocalypse.  But when Woodrow meets a charismatic young woman and falls hard in love, he and Aiden quickly integrate into a new group of friends, setting off on a journey of love and hate, betrayal, infidelity, and extreme violence more devastating and fiery than any of their apocalyptic fantasies.

I'm expecting more of the same here when this gets release in 3D on August 12th. If nothing else I am sure it will look spectacular.

Mixed feelings about this one. I love the original but I have to admit that the trailer doesn't look too shabby. I will be catching this on my birthday and will post a review shortly after. Release date is August 19th.

Certainly the flick that is most likely to scare us shitless this summer! Guillermo Del Toro brings this update of the 1973 flick to screens on August 26th.

The latest found-footage style movie also coming at us on August 26th. I like the premise behind it, it's just a case of wait and see if the execution works.

1 comment:

  1. Saw the trailer to Apollo, at first I thought it was another trailer for Transformers. Looks sketchy.
