
April 16, 2011

Sex And Violence - A Serbian Film Gets U.S. Release

A Serbian Film is without a doubt the most controversial movie of last year, possibly any year, and is now set for a theatrical release in the States through Invincible Pictures. It was released in the UK not so long back in a cut version, so it may come as no surprise that the version hitting the States on May 13th is also cut. It will run at 98 mins and has an NC-17 rating. FlixFling will be screening it on VOD at the same time with a103 minute version that is still not uncut. What form the movie will see if it hits DVD or Blu-ray remains to be seen.

Whatever version hits the screens you can rest assured that it will still be powerful viewing, unless of course it is completely butchered. It's an incredibly disturbing movie but in my opinion there is more to it than all the hype surrounding it as I did think it was a well made and well acted flick. You can check out my review of it here

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