
April 12, 2011

Aussie Horror The Tunnel Premiere and Release Info

Update: The DVD is now available for pre-order at the Official Site

The Tunnel is an Australian movie directed by Carlo Ledesma, and written and produced by Enzo Tedeschi and Julian Harvey, and is being funded online by people having the chance to buy frames of the movie. You can find out more about this at their Official Site

Now a date for the premiere has been announced which is in Sydney, Australia on May 18th with  the movie hitting DVD and Torrents online on May 19th.


In 2007 the New South Wales government suddenly scrapped a plan to utilise the water in the disused underground train tunnels beneath Sydney's St James Train Station.
In 2008, chasing rumours of a government coverup and urban legends surrounding the sudden backflip, investigative journalist Natasha Warner led a crew of four into the underground labyrinth.
They went down into the tunnels looking for a story – until the story found them.
This is the film of their harrowing ordeal. With unprecedented access to the recently declassified tapes they shot in the claustrophobic subway tunnels, as well as a series of candid interviews with the survivors, we come face to face with the terrifying truth.
This never before seen footage takes us deep inside the tunnels bringing the darkness to life and capturing the raw fear that threatens to tear the crew apart, leaving each one of them fighting for their lives. 

"The film will screen at Event Cinemas, Bondi Junction, Sydney at 7pm on May 18, followed by a live on-stage Q&A with the filmmakers - Producers Enzo Tedeschi & Julian Harvey, Director Carlo Ledesma, and Zapruder's other films' Andrew Denton.
Fresh off it's Best Australian Director Award at A Night Of Horror International Film Festival, here's what some of the critics are saying about The Tunnel:
"Performances are impressive, the tension builds nicely, the to-camera confessionals feel real."
‎"Co-screenwriters Enzo Tedeschi and Julian Harvey have taken a fascinating “secret” and loaded it with menace and dread."
The Tunnel has "horror fans salivating."
"Grab yourself a ticket and jump on the ride, The Tunnel rattles along with gusto, featuring a great sound design and some genuinely frightening moments."

The Premiere also marks the release of the film, which will be available globally on DVD and via torrents on May 19."

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