Sorry this comment doesn`t pertain to the film under reveiw. Jude, you know that comment you left on "Soil Sinema" a couple of months ago regarding "The Wanderers" did you read the hilarious comments that were left by "jervaise brooke hamster"? and if so did you fall about laughing when you read them because i think hes a comic genius, check out their reveiw of "Nightbreed" for one of his most hilarious comments!!!.
Sorry this comment doesn`t pertain to the film under reveiw. Jude, you know that comment you left on "Soil Sinema" a couple of months ago regarding "The Wanderers" did you read the hilarious comments that were left by "jervaise brooke hamster"? and if so did you fall about laughing when you read them because i think hes a comic genius, check out their reveiw of "Nightbreed" for one of his most hilarious comments!!!.