September 15, 2008
Treevenge (2008)
A short movie playing at 2008 Fantastic Fest Online is this Canadian, what I can only call, Treesploitation splatter flick. I shit you not.
Opening to the beautiful strains of the Cannibal Holocaust theme, Treevenge follows the life, and death possibly, of the good old fashioned Christmas tree. From its chopping down out in the wilds, to its new home, wherever that may be. And i'll tell you what, it's a fucking funny journey if I do say so myself. It's told from the perspective of the trees themselves, and yes the trees do talk in their own funny kind of way, and is a laugh a minute funride.
Of course, towards the end it all gets very, very bloody as the trees take their...well, just look at the bloody title and I think you'll get the picture!
Treevenge nods its head to the odd splatter flick here and there, the aforementioned Cannibal Holocaust being one, as well as The Burning being a more blatant one. At the end of the day though this is a movie that will make you laugh, even during its nastier moments, and there are a couple here that is for sure. The language is fruity, the blood is freeflowing and the laughs keep coming.
It is well made, well acted, with some wonderfully over-the-top performances, and running at around 16 minutes will leave you wanting more. Bloody good fun indeed. Now, where did I leave that chainsaw?
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